@rankamateur @Kavey It’s surprisingly easy to get away from it all. I’ve only been twice, but my abiding memories are entirely non-agoraphobic, and I’m really not one for crowds.
@ratsass @WeirdBristol Looks like it was 17 minutes by train; maybe they knew they could put some extra coal on for a VIP :) Side note: “will someone have put the 1942 timetable online?” I thought. “Yes, of course they will have.” michaelclemensrailways.co.uk/download.ashx?…
@rankamateur @Kavey When someone enormous is on at the main stage, there’s even more space at the little ones. If you need a breather there’s always the comedy or acoustic tents for chilling 😀 #glastoforintroverts
@ahnlak Yes. Yes, you are.
Anyway. Where was I? Oh, yes, cleaning the kitchen and listening to The Archers.
I should probably also add that I had at the point of the original video tried several less close-contact methods of extraction, but they all ended up with fledgey either hiding worriedly under furniture or calmly setting up shop in my wardrobe.
They do seem to be happy fledging in the courtyard. I’ve now left fledgling and parent to get on with it; mum’s wandering around outside with a ginormous berry in her mouth, and I’m sure everything will be fine now if I give them some privacy.
Five years ago, a family of blackbirds nested in my ivy, and I think they’ve been coming back and nesting nearby ever since, though I tried to discourage them from nesting right in my courtyard as it’s not big enough for us both! youtube.com/watch?v=cPZeex…

Cutie, n’est-ce pas? pic.twitter.com/Hyt0E70oK1

I walked out into my back yard this morning and a fledgeling blackbird(?) panicked and flew into my bedroom. It took a while, but finally we saw eye-to-eye on our mutual living arrangements. pic.twitter.com/eo9QxNfdmO
Bugger! Haven’t listened to The Archers for two weeks and it seems like something interesting actually happened! *Scratches around in podcast archive*

baph0meat that…. adhd (????) feel pic.twitter.com/FPvb9SGpZZ
@ovationchris I have long considered Curry’s a false economy. John Lewis far better at delivery, and worth extra cash.
ADawsonBros Ten years ago today, I asked my childhood sweetheart, my best friend and the most beautiful woman in the world to marry me. All three said “no”.
@sp_mellor @KingMobUK @thalestral @LesTricoteuses As a fellow fat guy whose parents moved to Crete, I’d say give travel a try. I’ve been far less comfortable at 23C in the UK than 33C in southern Europe. Plus everyone’s expecting you to wear shorts and a beach shirt and there’s AC everywhere 😅