When you raid the freezer and find out that past-impulse-buying you is a GENIUS. pic.twitter.com/xCxqW30YXW
@benjohnbarnes LA LA LA IM NOT LISTENING
@Lillput Coo, ta.
Following an idle thought, I just found that the latest series of John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme is currently available on BBC Sounds. If you haven’t tried it, give it a go; it’s ace. bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01…
The astounding complexity and vast amounts of work necessary for capitalism to approximate sticking its fingers in its ears, shouting “la la la” and pretending six months of economics simply didn’t happen are quite breathtaking to behold.
Is that tie buffering? twitter.com/BBCRadio4/stat…
@claireellent Yay!
SofieHagen I just put 30 more care packages on sale. Go to sofiehagen.com/care to get one!* twitter.com/sofiehagen/sta…

System32Comics Asshole Printer pic.twitter.com/5AHBzrAvpz

petshopboys We all need to practise “social distancing” these days. Link below.
#PetText pic.twitter.com/pPDJSyu7ZR
@jukesie Those are very well-made and I love typing on them, at least. And I have, touch wood, never worn an Apple keyboard out.