Mr. Heinlein, I believe your Shipstones have finally started to arrive……
stroughtonsmith This is an amazing exploit for many reasons.
TL;DR, Apple’s entitlement XML parsing could be tricked such that you could sign any binary with literally any entitlements, and give it any power normally restricted to Apple’s own apps. This has worked for years…
GeePawHill I shipped a word processor that formatted the hard drive every 1024 saves.…
@caldersidecook @Kavey @petedrinks There’s a joke in here somewhere about hardy perennials but I’m not sure I want to find it.
@RadioKate Fair! If crushed leaf doesn’t smell distinctly minty then it ain’t mint.
@RadioKate Does it taste minty?

Thanks, @farrobakery! 🍞
@JasonArnopp Writing fiction.

SplashMan Milkman been.
Now trapped in house.
@paul6478 @FelicityMorse Yeah; Long Dark Teatime was immediately where my mind went :D
badbanana It would really help me out if you all agreed to gain fifteen pounds during quarantine.

PadraigBelton The first computer program in BASIC ran OTD in 1964.
The language was designed by John Kemeny, Thomas Kurtz and Sister Mary Kenneth Keller. She, the next year, was the first US woman to earn a PhD in computer science.
The program:
10 PRINT 2+2
20 END
Credit to @paulcoxon
@beardedjourno @farrobakery Oooh, you just reminded me that I have a delivery coming today :D 🍞
PRIMITIVESband If you’re planning on having a lie down over the weekend here’s a playlist just for you.…
@PRIMITIVESband Wallowing now. Ta!