Rosemary and pumpkin seed. Somewhat, ahem, rustic, but this is actually the first time I’ve ever made rolls, I think. pic.twitter.com/Xj2vaJxxvx

tripgore A Priest giving social distance blessings with a squirt pistol and what, I’m assuming, is Holy water. 2020 folks. pic.twitter.com/iDnYs33hs9
fortes Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie where you are also the murderer.

seb_ly War Games inspired one-day build to help keep track of Boris’ ridiculous lockdown rating system
Thanks for the inspiration @geofftech @ArthurGuy
#ledlights #80s #electronics #adafruit #trinket
(YouTube video guide coming soon, link in profile) pic.twitter.com/fo1aLA5g5M