@Lucyvfreeman No, 2020 has let us all down. Helping someone fix a hosepipe is the highlight of my day!

yumhoneyblood I am throwing a livestream birthday party tomorrow 7pm BST for ‘In Plain Sight’ on FB and insta. What would you like to know about the album? pic.twitter.com/EdwmQ0RL3S
@Lucyvfreeman This may be the most wholesome conversation I’ve had on Twitter in 2020 😂
@Lucyvfreeman You’re welcome! (If you have a spare male connector of any type lying around you can nick the black O-ring off it; it’s what I did the last time that happened to me and I couldn’t be arsed to go to the garden centre 😀)
BradyHaran This would be like picking up a baseball bat in your shed and finding it signed by Babe Ruth. twitter.com/periodicvideos…
@Lucyvfreeman It’s a Hozelock double male connnector. screwfix.com/p/hozelock-dou…

@Lucyvfreeman Is there another side to that middle bit? Make sure the black rubber rings are in place and in good nick; they’re the bit that seals it up tight. pic.twitter.com/HUoDvh7qc8
@Lucyvfreeman How does the middle bit look if you take the connectors off each end?
louisejonesetc i, for one, am holding a lot of hope on collen rooney doing some digging to find out what cummings has on boris
riordan_dj Sick of hearing that if you don’t write a book or learn a language in lockdown then you’ve failed. It’s ridiculous. Or as the heroine of my new trilogy would say ‘Es ridÃculo’
courtneymilan Me writing a book: ugh, if she’s having issues, why doesn’t she ask for help? This is a massive plot hole.
Me IRL: ask for help?! NEVER. twitter.com/nicolamdavidso…
@talkie_tim Snot Crash.

I’ve always enjoyed reading on the floor. pic.twitter.com/KKffHYvXkD

bendavis_86 Who needs holidays when you can stay at home and use a Tupperware lid to pretend you’re looking through a plane window? pic.twitter.com/sT8D4ToKKE
*I* was legally arranging childcare; *you* were sneaking off to Durham; *he* has been charged under section 6 of The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020. #irregularverbs #yesminister