@Redveee That one seems to be pointing about ten degrees off due west, whereas the others seem to be pointing directly inbetween the ordinals… Maybe it’s my map!
@CharlieVivante Me too. And it’s also the only pub I can walk to without going all the way up or down the hill—it was great for chilling out after a half-marathon when I could barely walk :D

Well, that’s one way to socially distance. pic.twitter.com/F8QfLWVHnz
dangusset My talk:
The Psychoacoustics of the Paranormal: Psychology, Sound, and “Paracoustics”
Thanks to @trevor_coxfor inviting me to speak

They seem to be having problems. That doesn’t auger well. pic.twitter.com/nqwnBUaViu

CornerPubRon R.I.P. Wile E. Coyote pic.twitter.com/it5aXhpWdY

Bad news, Bristol: It seems Hannibal Duck has escaped. pic.twitter.com/fNEm1FrTwt
📷 Sometimes you just can’t. Hopper Coffee, Greville Smyth Park, Bristol tmblr.co/ZD7hNxZxceRNya…