@Bristolvor @nosugartea Went looking for bomb damage photos, found instead a 1900 watercolour. It’s the Trigger’s broom of pubs, clearly. maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=b… pic.twitter.com/tE0L6KKsj6
@nosugartea That was my guess.

tsunimee Erm… I think the cat is already out of the bag but ok. pic.twitter.com/9Z8KWN4NaJ

Mud, glorious mud. pic.twitter.com/xFg5CNZV79

Goodness. I knew the Hen & Chicken had changed a bit over the year, but.. (via pinterest.ch/pin/6959469486…; haven’t tracked down original source.) pic.twitter.com/zVDgJMloCM

Philth. pic.twitter.com/zl5AmUQH6d

Knockers of Bedminster: the insalubrious edition. pic.twitter.com/qK5j0MAbjH
@danieldurrans That is very odd! Surprised I’ve never spotted that before; worked on Victoria Street for years and years and definitely ventured that way a few times.
@Martinhoward966 Thanks! Yes, I was wondering about Dorset House last night. Do you know anything extra about the architectural fun? I’d love to find out more.
Martinhoward966 @gothick Historically there was indeed a Georgian house on the site before it was bombed (but not called Gaywood House) .. However the Palladian portico is just a bit of fun by a local architect, many decades after the original flats were built.