@peterjonesphoto It would’ve been batshit even back then; it’s nothing but little Victorian terraces around there…

Ear ear. #dinhobento pic.twitter.com/fQcZ6uuwOp
@CordeliaGraun @SpikyZebra That was my guess. Though I considered olives, too…
@paulclammer King William Street, a stone’s throw from the Masonic.

You can tell we were somewhat determined to knock quite a few streets of my list… pic.twitter.com/7wAg8WdJVN

Bleep bloop. pic.twitter.com/RRku1cAy2e

pmmikes @PlanningShit @gothick pah! You haven’t lived until you’ve seen Colchester’s Pound Land pic.twitter.com/0vzJOB21lM
@VanOD_ I’m democratic: I spell it “bedmo” and pronounce it “bemmie” :D

ditzkoff I think we figured out which artifact they’ll be searching for pic.twitter.com/3vxcIN9CCZ
danieldurrans @gothick Not quite as stark a contrast, but there is this strange arch down in Redcliff which doesn’t match any of the architecture of the housing: