I mean… Really? pic.twitter.com/B1vffTVB4t

Guardian. pic.twitter.com/4VLChClA8x

I continue to be fascinated by the GP’s surgery at the back of Gaywood House. Did there just happen to be a Palladian temple sitting there in Bedmo when they put up the tower block, so they figured they’d build around it? pic.twitter.com/c3E0PKlDkH

Luggage pic.twitter.com/sweWtyl7g8
@Kavey I have to admit that my first reply to Lisa was, “Oh, I thought that was the dodgy club around the corner…”
@littlegreenamy @wood5y Awesome!
littlegreenamy @wood5y @gothick Yes indeed……#eastbristolknockers throughout Feb: bristol247.com/news-and-featu…

My friend Lisa suggested a “Knockers of Bedminster” project. I think there’s definite potential.. pic.twitter.com/QsDECA1T9I