Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 11th, 2022

@4r7hr You are not allowed. Everything will become TikTok just in time for the next fashionable thing to come along.

via Twitter Web App in reply to 4r7hr

@beardedjourno I think they should fill it with what I most wanted the last time I was in Broadmead: a Debenhams.

via Twitter Web App in reply to beardedjourno

warren_craddock I’ve worked on a number of high-profile failures:

- Lytro lightfield cameras
- Google Glass head-mounted computer
- Google Clips automatic photographer

They all had a fatal flaw. Everyone saw the flaw. But the culture that arose in these teams purposefully ignored the flaw. 1/n

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 5:27 AM, Oct 11th, 2022 via Twitter for iPhone)