Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 25th, 2022

@CubicleApril Sadly my iMac can’t even upgrade to Ventura. Might look into getting a more recent one secondhand if Apple really aren’t going to bring out a new 27” replacement…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to CubicleApril

@chubbybannister Agreed

Wordle 493 6/6


via Twitter for iPhone in reply to chubbybannister

@adamgasson @madzadev It’s the fiddling with the little azimuth angle screw on the tapehead to get that one bloody game to load that I remember most from tape drives.

via Twitter Web App in reply to adamgasson

@deandrawrites_ When they live in draughty houses built in 1763 they do 😂

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to deandrawrites_