Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 24th, 2022

@4r7hr I did *not* get it in two.

Wordle 492 4/6


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@fanofwalt @TansuYegen To this day I am disappointed that Mark Knopfler doesn’t actually look like that, because he definitely *sounds* like he should.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to fanofwalt

@james_blowers__ @BobRushy I wondered that. Was she wearing the parachute? Can’t remember (and of course it probably wouldn’t have been terribly useful in a lift shaft…)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to james_blowers__

@andrew_techfolk …I probably wouldn’t have thought of just asking the bathroom people. I wonder if that’s a prevalent thing and maybe part of the reason bathroom fitters don’t think about insulation as much as they should.

via Twitter Web App in reply to gothick

@andrew_techfolk Also a very obvious condensation and cold issue in a lot of UK homes that are like that. If I were re-doing a bathroom with those issues I’d probably have thought to ask a builder to add insulation before calling the bathroom people, but for some reason…

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KYPBristol Work on the iconic Sheldon Bush shot tower nears completion in 1968. It was built to replace the historic Georgian shot tower in Redcliffe, designed to allow molten lead to fall by gravity into a water pool at the base, forming perfect shotgun pellets.…

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:56 AM, Oct 24th, 2022 via Twitter Web App)

@andrew_techfolk Insulation isn’t something that’s really associated in my mind with bathroom fitting. Maybe it’s a mental demarkation thing? Internals == fitters, insulation == builders?

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