@Garferty @unamccormack Are you at least able to skip the theme song?

The random Clifton gargoyle is quite fed up with 2020. pic.twitter.com/F9sq8olZjQ
_tessr OH, on technical interviews: “if I saw a live-ass engineer at my company hand-rolling a linked list I’d parachute right the fuck on in to figure out why they’ve gone all historical re-enactment on company time”

Looking back. pic.twitter.com/SkWZMhwuTW

Selfie with someone else’s bad luck pic.twitter.com/2xpxlV1KMI

Terraced pic.twitter.com/fLhYAArox2

It’s amazing they fit buses down here at all, never mind the steps at the end… pic.twitter.com/tfRJSAvMw3

*Waves at Bristol* pic.twitter.com/esigkVQsJS
@Dru_Marland Hah! This was one street over, in Bellevue Crescent. Brought back memories for me, too; first time I had to push-start my Talbot Samba solo I very nearly didn’t make it into the driver’s seat in time to steer away from a line of parked cars…
Just saw someone bump-starting a Nissan Micra on a hill. Not sure if I’ve come for a walk in Cliftonwood or 1987.