danielpunkass I can’t believe Zoom gives away their best feature, limiting meetings to 40 minutes, for free.
HeathC That Big Job You’ve Been Procrastinating On For Days Increasing Your Stress To The Point Where You Started Work Early To Get It All Done Today Turned Out Not To Be As Big And Scary As You Thought: The Heath Carney Story
_FrancesBurney I do prefer *FRANCES* to Fanny, Matt Gibson. twitter.com/gothick/status…
MakingBlakes7 Check out this amazing Series D trailer from my talented friend @charliefrancis. #Blakes7 twitter.com/charliefrancis…
@GrammarTable I just finished Fanny Burney’s Evelina. Surprisingly accessible for 1778. I was inspired to read it by a chunk of it being set where I live, but it turned out to be the descriptions of London that were most interesting for me.

I feel the iconography may be overkill. pic.twitter.com/qlyamKWtHk
@daycoder It’s definitely in that category mismatch space for me where I’ve bought cheaper cars.

Well, that’s a good sign. pic.twitter.com/nYtSJS7MKI