@Bristolvor Well, to be fair “ancient” is a bit of an exaggeration. It was originally built around 1870, but the modern bit is 1960s.

@Bristolvor Yeah, fantastic space. One of those rare let’s-mash-modern-and-ancient-together-because-someone-bombed-half-of-it experiments that really works. pic.twitter.com/JIRfhHYIxC

You’d barely know they were there from the outside. pic.twitter.com/p7ImjWg5CO

For those unfamiliar with Alma Vale Road, Electrofix looks exactly how you hope this kind of shop will look, including window sill keyboard detailing. pic.twitter.com/rotS0Nxj6q
@Redveee Don’t think I know that one.

And one thing I always enjoy on Alma Vale — Electrofix’s shop window.pic.twitter.com/I93O5Ttjuoo

(Also from today’s wander: Hungarian grilled sausage hot dog, Budapest Cafe, Alma Vale Road 👍 ) @mockingbirdAlma pic.twitter.com/p5hcAHMtyo

From today’s wander: Interior, All Saints, Clifton, including the River of Life/Tree of Life, and Lady Chapel windows by John Piper. #onemilematt allsaintsclifton.org/Groups/296406/… pic.twitter.com/WaSVyBO1LS
@bitter_sky @Garferty @unamccormack Blocked and reported.