@IanRobinson @stuartgibson My first job, too! Tandem system with an *amazing* reel-to-reel tape drive that could lace its own tape onto the spool using a vacuum system that sucked the tape into the right place. One of the most preposterous bits of tech I’ve ever used :)
@davidcaolo I’m considering putting it on a similar-vintage iMac, but I feel your hesitation. Going to at least back it up three different ways and make sure there’s a *lot* of disk space free first.

Scareman? Snowcrow? Looks to be directing traffic, anyway. pic.twitter.com/sSFuZpq8qD
@AndyRileyish @JulianDutton1 Looking forward to the revamped 7th hole where you have to putt a coronavirus-shaped ball through the mouth of a a windmill-driven automaton that keeps putting its mask on and off.

TravisinaB7 #Blakes7
Remembering Jacqueline Pearce on what would have been her 77th birthday.
“There are no women like me. I am unique…” (Servalan, ‘Sand’)
blakes7online.com/news.php?readm… pic.twitter.com/cnbiS5Z0Jb
@forestpines @Dru_Marland For me it’s the smell of my cousin Simon’s Scalextric controllers at Christmas :D

Always fascinated by this little place with the grand chimneys. Wondered today if it’s really two-storey or if it technically counts as a bungalow with a preposterous mansard roof. pic.twitter.com/ZAU2FlhPuq

Bedmo wall kitty pic.twitter.com/IQRYBvpnwL

Snigger #bristol pic.twitter.com/u4iMjsp207
MittenDAmour If you are suddenly facing Christmas alone, I have tips. I LOVE Christmas alone so get on board.
Food: What would you ideally like to eat if no-one could limit you or judge you? Nothing but pigs in blankets? Just cake? Pot Noodle? Get that! I’m having cheese and crackers.
@CharlieVivante This is the kind of thing I find in the hood of a coat in three months’ time.

athenogenes You: let people enjoy things
Ursula Le Guin: pic.twitter.com/tAiH3jSomn
meakoopa when I toured the catacombs in Paris at the end they check your bag and I asked how often someone tries to steal something and without looking up the guard said “a skull a day” and i am still alarmed
@djelibeybi_meg Ta!