@danbenjamin The terrible look is added in post so nobody can tell they’re all breaking quarantine in a studio.
@liveindetail Dare I ask if she’s pro or anti?
@Neiljamesb Thanks!
unfortunatalie They started it. twitter.com/theipaper/stat…

Merry Christmas all. Here’s a robin from Leigh Woods from last year #Bristol pic.twitter.com/hCqOfT9h5h

The Other Side pic.twitter.com/3hMuC9kKwP

St. Vincent’s Shadow pic.twitter.com/BPXFQNpBS3
BacklistedPod New episode up now. The Dark Is Rising by Susan Cooper, with guests Robert Macfarlane @RobGMacfarlane and Jackie Morris @JackieMorrisArt. Merry Xmas everybody! 🎄📚❄️ backlisted.fm/episodes/127-s…