Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 6th, 2008

Lake District walks, a gig, a Flickr meet, and now a poetry slam. Busy week!

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Hmm. Off to a poetry slam. Should I bother taking my big camera?

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@tholder I have, but as with most Quicksilver users, I’ve not really figured out what to do with it yet.

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Thanks, @DaveHamilton and @johnfbraun for the tip about Command-Option-F going to the search box in Finder & Safari!

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@rstein Don’t be too jealous; maybe next year it won’t be pouring down with rain. Will have to see if the weather is better tomorrow!

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Photos from Wednesday night are up. Rock and roll!

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Hmm. Think I might head into town and eat at the organic food festival

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Gah! I really, really dislike MySpace.

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@spamvictim My recommendation is to take two weeks instead of one! Only worked out in retrospect that what I needed was a _longer_ break!

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I know nothing about the US election. All communication channels are saturated with it, though, so I’m guessing it can only be months away.

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