@davidpatrick And I’d never have to fly anywhere again, either. And it runs on cooking oil :)
Earthrace, tri-hull globe-circumnavigating biodiesel-powered speedboat is currently moored in Bristol. Looks mean! http://tinyurl.com/6rpv8x
Hey, Borders, try getting someone who knows the difference between “its” and “it’s” to write your marketing emails. You’re a _bookshop_!
@davidpatrick I can’t quite see all its logic on that one, but then I can’t see all its logic for my stuff, and the mix still seems to work.
iTunes Genius has led me from Jesus & Mary Chain through Siouxie, Courtney Love, The Damned and Pulp to The Doors. Rock on!
Dammit, I really want a macro lens.
Ugh. Last night’s early-evening nap was a good idea per se, but it left me unable to get to sleep until gone 2am. Now I feel _really_ rough.
iTunes Genius is actually doing quite a good job so far. Wouldn’t’ve personally jumped from Jesus & Mary Chain to Led Zeppelin, but it works
MacBook safely in for service. Am again impressed with Applecare’s no-quibble we’ll-fix-it service, at least.
iTunes 8 Genius needs a “John Peel” slider where you can set its propensity to play random and chaotic things, sometimes at the wrong speed.
@russelldavies Large Bacon Collider?