Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 12th, 2008

@floyduk I’m guessing your music collection’s bigger than mine. I only have just over 5000 songs.

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A moment from my journey to work this morning:

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@ryanCoates Really? Took about 5 minutes on my old iMac, and it didn’t freeze while it was doing it…

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Curses. Have now generated good enough HDRs in the Photomatix trial version that it might be worth buying it to get them unwatermarked.

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@johnfbraun All you fundamental particles are belong to us!

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@Phooto buy an HD cam; every frame of those is a pretty good still!

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@Phooto yes, and you should then donate your DV cam to a worthy cause *puts on worthy face* :-)

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