Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 23rd, 2008

@DaveHamilton Did you install Schrodinger’s App? If you have, iTunes can’t know how many app updates there are until it’s opened your iPhone

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Chilly this morning! Nice, but chilly.

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@Artoo_UK it can be painful. Updates seem quite frequent at moment, too. Have you discounted

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@Artoo_UK nice. Yes, blogging always seems more difficult than it should be, technically…

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Dammit, will the world just slow down for a moment and let me catch up with my email?!?

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@Seanabc a museum curator having the brain of an economist brings quite strange images to mind.

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Broadmead populated entirely by men in hardhats and hi-vis jackets. Wonder if new shopping centre will be ready for launch on time.

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Just bought myself an insane old camera in a charity shop. Oh lazyweb, what’s a ‘V P Twin’?

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@KellyJanner Oooh, ta. 127 film, huh? At least I have an interesting bit of photographic history. Will see if I can get shutter working…

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My old Nano made a "top ten" of engraved MP3 players. Not sure it deserved to, looking at the competition

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WTF? Safari 3 isn’t supported by eBay?!

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@chriswebb Lots of friends with good skills, plus @chrismarquardt and his podcast and forums, plus lots of contacts on Flickr.

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Gah. Looks like Apple have broken bits of mass storage in 10.5.5. Having problems getting photos off my CF card, as are other people.

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@JButtitta Looks like it’s a problem with RAW file handling, not with 10.5.5 (came out on same day, I think.)

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@JButtitta Had to copy files from card to disk and from there into Lightroom last time. Maybe it’s a Canon-RAW-specific problem…

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@pjakobs I nearly bought a lensbaby on Saturday. Glad they weren’t in stock now!

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@pjakobs I’m thinking there may be a small flood on the secondhand market - the old model will be fine for me!

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@pjakobs No, but a few people will, so and I’m sure even the new prices of the old models will drop in the shops now.

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