@d_arkchocolate thanks, but I already have one of those.
@Artoo_UK Reboot everything!
Retweeting @zen_habits: Ninja cat is awesome! http://tinyurl.com/5yqjfv
Filming for some kind of drama going on by the Cottage. Got some snaps on the way past.
@ahnlak In my recent experience, about an hour to knock it down to the three good ones, then five minutes each :-)
Why don’t modern phones have a ‘reboot’ option?
@d_arkchocolate I’m guessing this is both a secondhand and slightly broken Monday you’re selling, not a new and shiny one?
@JButtitta yes, but I’m saying that it’s such a common operation on ‘smart’ phones that I think it should be easier than that!
PS: I don’t want a smart phone. I want a _wise_ phone!
Night all. I’m off for an early one in the hope of getting an early start in good light for photos in the morning… It’ll rain, won’t it?
@johnfbraun One thing on the cam: get it working plugged directly in first. They can be oddly sensitive to hubs under Linux.
Apparently it was “Skins” they were filming. Now have shots of an actress jumping up and down for me. Feeling slightly paparazzi.
Can someone hipper than me identify this exuberant young Skins actress who jumped up and down for me this morning? *grin* http://is.gd/2FFy
@johnfbraun Interesting; according to this translator here it says, “Help! I am a prisoner in an apple factory!”
@davidpatrick Aha. Not sure I’d have recognised her from that! Cool; will tag my photos!
@bertpalmer OSX 10.5.5 out? Oh, great, now I’ve got to decide whether to update now or defer it until braver people have tried!
Installing keyboard firmware, iTunes, Quicktime and OS X 10.5.5 update on my newly-repaired MacBook. *crosses fingers*
Yay! Band whose photos I took at a gig last week wants to put me on the guest-list for a halloween gig and arrange a photoshoot for them.