@hayles Wait in dashi sushi in the subway if you can. Warmer, and they do good green tea.
@jefferymavers I’m guessing… Gatwick airport?
Defragmenting the iMac. This may take some time.
@chrismarquardt It’s never happened to me. “Does it work, Chris?” he asked the legendary photographer and talented media producer…
@asic69 I’m using iDefrag. It’s not something that generally needs doing, but I have very bad habits with my disks.
@asic69 Basically, if you repeatedly fill it to capacity with rubbish and then perform desperate last-minute tidying over three years ;)
@asic69 This is my first time, defragging, but I suspect it will help greatly. Will report back in a few hours!
@spamvictim I’m only using it at work, but so far it seems better than the betas. Nothing has annoyed me recently, and Google works now!
@penelopeelse Yes, I’ve heard of bosses like that. Seems odd, even to a Mac user like me. I mean, if all you use is MS Office, why pay
Anyway. I’m now clearly using Twitter as a mechanism to avoid doing the laundry and tidying the flat. Bouncy music & closed laptop time!
http://twitpic.com/1a4dp - Think I may have some fun after tidying!
Right. Lunch break time. Tidying (and bouncing around to Babyshambles in an attempt to make tidying fun) makes me hungry, it seems…
@mattgemmell There must surely already be a Firefox extension for that?
@mattgemmell Goodness me, another rebel. I don’t use Firefox unless need to (e.g. Firebug), but I assume everyone else does!
Just dusting my record player. Tempted to put on some old LPs, but how would I get them showing on my last.fm feed automatically? :)
Okay. For the first time in a week or so, I’m aiming to get to bed before midnight.
This is turning into a real spring-clean. Pretty sure I don’t need this Windows ’95 install disc. And this Windows Me disc even less…
@hayles Mmmm. Was just considering heading up to the one in Clifton Village for cake & massive email catch-up session.
http://twitpic.com/1a7qg - So, I’m guessing the “recent cold weather” they’re talking about would be… winter?
Hmm. Defrag still running. Looks like it’ll finish today, though.
Just taken the Science Museum’s “Morphibian” toy for a lap of the bath. Not sure I learned any science, but it was fun :)
@missmcq You have snow!? Lucky sod.
@spamvictim iDefrag. Took twelve hours. Now I get to see whether it made a difference or not…
I can’t help it. Every time someone mentions Davos, I imagine Gordon Brown snowboarding.
@bexxi Doesn’t seem implausible. Would be masculine singular: Ντάβος…
Hmm. Is this shot’s worth of coffee beans I just found in the grinder caf or decaf? Or to put it another way, do I feel lucky, punk?
Slightly aggrieved that I had to use something other than @TweetDeck to type those Greek characters I just tweeted. Guess it’s an Air thing.
@jacintuk Me too. And I could do with an early night tonight, too. Hmm.
@jacintuk Anyway, aren’t you usually awake until 3 in the morning?
@missmcq I’m sure it’ll bring the transport system to a halt even if the ducks don’t care :) Jealous here.