@Phooto yes, I know.
@technex Normally in the local Flickr group discussion forums; Bristol’s here: http://flickr.com/groups…
Getting ready to join other Flickrites in Bristol City Centre for a walk-about photo shoot.
@technex @Phooto has a good point, though; not all phones will do it, so definitely check! Can always put ring cable back if you need it.
@Phooto Depends on the phone. My three phones all detect the extra-voltage ring signal on the main loop and ring without the bell wire.
@technex From my notes, looks like I got my instructions here: http://linkbun.ch/7ebn
@MelKirk There’s a joke here about falling of the back of a lorry, but I’m damned if I can find it right now…
@technex Disconnect at master socket (google for it - info on UK adsl fora), and generally not; modern phones don’t need bell-ring current.
@technex have you tried disconnecting your bell wire? Got me an extra half meg, anyway.
http://twitpic.com/1lx1z - Pete with Enough tea
http://twitpic.com/1lwmk - Kavey
Wandering St Nick’s Market with Pete & Kavey.
Off to the Royal hotel for brekkers
@chrismarquardt It’s amazing what people will resort to when they don’t have a TV :)
@ianmcshane http://is.gd/kkaE . Wasn’t sure about buying from Korea, but it arrived within a week with a little heart-shaped “thanks” note!