@sowerbyandluff Well, all those investment bankers have to do _something_ now…
@boagworld How so?
I’m always scared when I update the firmware on something.
Using Windows for even three minutes is enough to remind me why I paid for a Mac.
@neilhimself http://twitpic.com/1i5kz - Hey, I look like that when I’ve been using an N73 for any length of time. And I’m *bald*.
@hayles My advice? Get up for long enough to make a playlist of songs with “Lazy” or “Sunday” in the title. Start it, go back to bed.
@hayles don’t make any rash decisions. Is Sunday, after all.
@sandersonjones http://tinyurl.com/bmebhy Shh! Don’t tell Richard!
No matter what else is told of me in years to come, you can say that for one brief moment, in 2009, I got to Inbox Zero.
The iTunes Genius playlist generated by an Amanda Palmer track has been its best endeavour for me so far. Fab!
@cyberetto I just tried it and it seemed accurate for me; maybe it was just a one-off…
@cyberetto Odd. Difficult to check what’s going on in that circumstance, I think.
@cyberetto Was the inconsistency with someone you’d blocked (or who’s blocking you?) Can see why they might work differently in that case.
http://twitpic.com/1i40t - Irritating job number one done. Definitely needed doing!
That’s the basics done of creating a zenphoto theme that looks like my existing portfolio site. Time for a shower, then onto my real to-dos.