Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 27th, 2009

Hmm. Think I just passed PJ Harvey on the way into Boston Tea Party. Odd.

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@Pockless If you want to see better at the Fleece, wait until next time Thea Gilmore is down. She normally plays there & is excellent.

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@pjakobs rsnapshot? Never heard of it *looks*. Oooh, it’s Time Machine! Only configurable. Might have to swap that for my rsync setup…

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@pjakobs Looking at the number of people I know who now actually do backups, I think that age old technology _needed_ a shiny GUI :/

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@pjakobs I currently do an rsync to a debian box to make sure my photos are backed up, but snapshots would be extra level of safety. Cool.

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@pjakobs I’m thinking of just rotating a couple of 1TB disks between work and home, but I’ve got Mozy for worst-case off-site just-in-case.

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@missmcq hadn’t thought about Glasto at all. In all honesty, probably not, I’m afraid.

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On the boat into town.

via Twitter Web Client - Mmm. Spicy stew & cous cous in Baristas.

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@Lillput Might well not be caused by coffee, but I’ve just been diagnosed with a possible stomach ulcer, so best to cut back a bit for now!

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@brownstudies me too. Will now take my copy of _Stories…_ there every time I go, forever, just in case :-)

via Twitter Web Client - Combined barbershops and eateries have worried people since before the days of Sweeny Todd

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@martingoode my suspicion is that if the let you hear it running, you would no longer desire it in your living room.

via Twitter Web Client - A dangerous discovery for someone who needs to cut his coffee consumption.

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@talkie_tim yes, the running coffee roaster was my first clue :)

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@Lillput look, it’s bad enough I just bought coffee beans the day after my doctor told me to cut down on caffeine!

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@ahnlak - Ah, they must be using the famous Linksys WRT-54tea as a router.

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