@missmcq Yowch! :(
@MitchBenn Worth it just for De Niro, but the rest of it’s pretty damn excellent, too.
@ianmcshane If I wasn’t too old to start snowboarding, you’re not too old to start rollerblading :)
Hmm. Just received a package from someone at the University of Leicester, who had trouble spelling “Leicester” on the return address.
Wish #YouTube would stop bloody asking me to set my Country Filter preference. Why can’t the remember from the last 50 times I set it?
Hmm. Vodafone appear to have made all the graphics on their account screens prettier. Account screens still useless and broken, but prettier
How lucky I am to own devices I can use to record things I notice as I walk down the street with my iPod on, typing into my phone.
Of course, for me to be smugly communicating while Gmail is down requires someone else on the frickin’ planet not to be with them, too.
@lilibaloo Yes, not bad so far. Have been enjoying making plans and then not bothering following them through :)
@MelKirk ooh, I could rip a tissue!
@talkie_tim Could at least save up some good stock images of empty shelves for when paper really start going out of fashion…
Want a T-shirt that says “I’ve forgotten to set my character encoding.”
@JockotheRocks Only to a very select audience :)
@missmcq Yes, that would have to be some tough quiche. Good luck with the dentist…
@floyduk About three barrels of herring, these days.
Right. Am going to tidy up for the morning, then go to bed. Have a nice night, all.
@sean_robbins On the back it would say “UTF-8:You know it makes sense.”
Holy cow; the local Book Barn is holding a closing down give-away-everything-for-free “sale”. Ends tomorrow. This may change my plans…
@Lillput I was. Then my Dad called.