Snappity: My gee-tar.
@BlackDogDays Not noticed, but then I usually walk obliviously past friends in the street, let alone strangers!
BrianCathcart The ordeal of Christopher Jefferies. Exclusive, in-depth interview with the Bristol man vilified in the press.
@rabidbee Though whether you can morally claim ownership of photos taken with my camera does bring recent case to mind.…
@rabidbee You should probably go claim ownership on any that I’ve thrown up in my photostream, too.
hayles “Your parcel has been left in a safe place on the property” Safe from what, HDNL, sea monsters?
@qikipedia Really intimidating Foreign Legion Army Ant Instructors?
Yes. Yes, that’s exactly how I remember the pub looking by the end of the night. #bristolflickrmeet @DrHairbear
RT @TalesFromShop: ‘Do you sell sandwiches?’ Only if they were made before 1989! <— Still doing better than First Great Western, then…
Ruthlessly deleting old one- and two-star rated photos from my Lightroom catalogue. #clearout
@TippyTLawton @OpinionatedGeek I like you guys. Your standards are about the right height for me.
@Whatleydude Who’s Karl Lagerfeld? Is this another attempt to convince me that I must be a girl if I drink Diet Coke?
It’s nearly 1pm. And I have accomplished bugger-all today. Sigh.
@GreatGeorgeWMB I think you should probably stick to renting your profile out to statisticians as a bell curve template.
@BlackDogDays Well, I’ve heard of Danny Baker. But apart from that, no.
@BristolBlogs If I say I’m a blogger, will I have to write blog posts more often? :) #lazymatt
@Mouse_House Poor Mouse.
@Mouse_House That is a perfectly fine alternative, Mouse.