@hayles I think you’re probably more likely to meet Roger Rabbit.
@hayles Good try, though.
@hayles Well, if adverts had to reflect reality, commercial television probably wouldn’t exist.
davepell OK, let’s try this.
Everyone with a last name beginning with A thru C, you can now upgrade to iOS 5.
@SpikyZebra Hurrah!
@LegalWeasel *evil laugh* #wooooo #wooooooooo
Some things never get old, when changing a quilt cover. *pretends to be a ghost*
@hayles I am now through to the “fiddling with iCloud and figuring out what to say ‘yes’ to” stage :/
@hayles The iOS software update, or the Mac software update? I didn’t get any errors from the Mac update…
@hayles Also, have you done a Software Update? I’ve needed about three so far…
@hayles I also rebooted, but I’m not sure that actually made any difference.
@hayles Just keep trying. Worked third time for me.
Hmm. I just dented my washing machine. Must try to be less angry with technology today.
@brettnet The reason for that is reason 9472.
Have just seen the #firstbus advert. @hayles was right, that’s one BIIIIIIG reality gap they’ve got, right there.
My iTunes crash report details are becoming terser, and more sweary.
@davidpatrick @bertpalmer Yeah, they said that about iOS4, too, and it took them about a month to release a version that worked okay on 3GS.
@bertpalmer Probably. But you’re going to try it anyway, aren’t you?
@seengee It’s alternating for me, but never starting the download. Guess it’s halfway through a proper roll-out.
MichaelTheGeek Mac Rumors: ‘iTunes in the Cloud’ Rolling Out Internationally macrumors.com/2011/10/12/itu…
@MadamJMo Everyone who’s failed should start a new republic somewhere. We can call it Whocareshowmanyconstituencesthereareia.
Yeowch. Woken up early by a couple of nightmares in a row. Maybe I shouldn’t’ve watched _The Fades_ before bed last night.