@KellySibson Definitely. Seen rolling machines in sushi restaurants.
Mmmmnm. Miso. instagr.am/p/Rx6ur/
Mmm. At @MissEmmeline’s place where handmade sushi is on the menu :) instagr.am/p/RxwHZ/
@KaveyF @HartsBakery @lahlootea Whereas I would NEVER stoop so low. Never. Not ever.
*wink* *nudge*
@KaveyF @lahlootea We should have a biscuit-off between them and @HartsBakery’s custard creams.
@KaveyF @lahlootea Oh, I’ve been, I just WANT JAMMY DODGERS NOW.
@lahlootea Temptress!
@Cookwitch Enjoy! Yes, they were surprisingly good. κάλο ταξίδι*!
*Have a good trip.
Crete was nice. Although it took me a few days to start sleeping properly. Got lots of photos to process. And Easyjet were actually good.
LettersOfNote Please be real. Please be real. twitpic.com/76wjvl