@ahnlak @richardjfoster Makes sense, given that they made it. But I hate all my cable TV options.
Bracelet. instagram.com/p/4ruWyNJC4A/
@richardjfoster UK Netflix only supplied final series this week :) Thanks for the tip!

Music that seems to be in my head a lot recently. itun.es/gb/cC4Fj?i=159… pic.twitter.com/eeX2fXYF3s
Watching last episode of Warehouse 13. There appears to be some entertaining fluff in my eye.
I’d like Apple Music more if it wasn’t a choice between using it and having a red-hot phone with 10% battery left at 4pm.
@liveindetail (His name was Tim, in fact. He just managed to run a test script in the live database. Without a WHERE clause.)
@liveindetail Only what you’d expect. The name badge at his desk remained “George” for the rest of his career :)
@liveindetail Was just recalling an earlier IT “incident” when a developer renamed every customer (1.5m+) “George” with database mistake…
Woah. Pretty special, this one. #beer #bristol instagram.com/p/4riZzmpC_J/