Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 22nd, 2015

film_girl Don’t worry tech people in my feed, I’m working on an explainer of the Katy Perry/Taylor Swift/Nicki Minaj situation.

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@samsneed12 …looks like they’ve got a valuation day on Friday on Park…He

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@samsneed12 Don’t know if it’s their kind of thing, but Dreweatts do valuations…

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@davidcaolo On the plus side, I’ve got that Natalie Merchant album on CD, so there’s always a fallback position :)

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@davidcaolo Of course, you can add tracks individually if you can actually see mystical “Show Complete Album” button!

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@davidcaolo Also, bizarrely, tap ellipsis, choose *Remove* from my My Music, then tap ellipsis again and choose Add to My Music.

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@griffinkate No, I mean there are some callers who’d get the blocked ear.

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@griffinkate For me I think it would depend on the caller.

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bwebster Just when I thought MacKeeper couldn’t get any shittier. Exploit allows executing arbitrary shell scripts.…

via iOS (retweeted on 7:52 PM, Jul 22nd, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@lukeredpath This is where your webcam comes in handy. And surely a “the lights are on” recognition script can’t be too hard :)

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@lukeredpath This is like when I had a PC connected through RS232 to an X10 transceiver, etc. Which was fun for about a year, admittedly.

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robstewartUK It’s the end for emacs

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On the plus side, looks like the best coffee on Whiteladies road may be moving from their van to a full-on

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While I’m ranting: Dear Hobbs House, this is the most annoying reason for a piece of bread not to fit in a toaster.

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@C_J_Fox @skeddy I’m not surprised they’ve left them as a separate entity, but surely they could learn something about customer service…

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@skeddy I have a modem box and a router box, but I’m giving my money to Plusnet rather than BT or Murdoch, at least.

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@skeddy !? How much would you have to pay *not* have have BT come around?

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Pretty sure Virgin Media are trying to match their fibre bandwidth with the volume of paper-based junk mail they keep sending me.

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That’s the third confused person to tell the bus driver he has no sign on the front.

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