@lukeredpath …just don’t ask me where my actual watch is strapped.
@lukeredpath Right wrist: Apple Watch. Left wrist: Withings Activité. Left ankle: Fitbit Surge. Right ankle: Moto 360…
@jdriscoll @film_girl I’d love to try one. Not available in the UK, sadly. Hopefully they’ll be successful enough to launch here sometime.

Snap from my archives, 2008: The colourful bridge of the Rainbow Warrior II. #greenpeace pic.twitter.com/T4ZAKnQSVr
SamSykesSwears Writing Advice 1: Remember that writers never purposefully give bad advice to thin out competition
Writing Advice 2: Eat an entire pine cone
@lidson @GreenRobTelford Oooh, must check my favoured spot under one of the Cumberland Basin flyover slip roads next time I’m out :)
@Kavey Klingon, I reckon.
monsieur_pickle Things programmers know how to fix for sure according to my Twitter feed: Greece’s economy.
Things broken for the past 50 years: software
Stolen instagram.com/p/5HxTpVJCyw/

Important. #bristol pic.twitter.com/hU5Pb1106a