@ahnlak Lower latency, more bandwidth, less lossy encoding, and several months of battery life? “Primitive” my arse.
@ahnlak The only *other* way to simultaneously stream The Archers omnibus to every room is a Sonos setup, and I can’t afford that! ;)
Photo: Hot dog. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1omXRYR
@Bristolvor Also, tip: If you want one for every room in the house, review one on a blog. ALL THE COMPANIES will then want to send you one.
@Bristolvor (Also have my eye on this fella for the kitchen: whathifi.com/monitor-audio/… but still saving the pennies :) )
@Bristolvor Was a freebie from Lumsing for a review. Really very good. I *slightly* prefer my Logitech UE Mini Boom, but is 4x the price.

Part of my normal morning routine. Can’t remember the last time I used the radio rather than the Bluetooth speaker :( pic.twitter.com/jLgAF57pvd

RedditAww Cat uses its own doorbell i.imgur.com/E8O4wgh.gif
@seanddotmedotuk @shezza_t @OpinionatedGeek @Spanglor Ah; that was the one the friendly Oddbins guy mentioned last time. On my list!

sidestorytravel It’s never been easier to dine solo - discover the best bar dining spots in London with our insider Chloe pic.twitter.com/6iPcyNxLRQ
@missmcq I have not been flanked by ligers. Thank Christ. Because that would be far too warm today.
Flanked. #igersbristol instagram.com/p/4tym15JCxb/
@almackin @chrsgrrtt Sadly with the design of these chargers, the LED (behind USB sockets) is very hard to cover.
@shezza_t @seanddotmedotuk @OpinionatedGeek Easier for me because they’re local :) Really interesting beers, but can be a bit love-or-hate.
@almackin @chrsgrrtt Bear in mind that if it’s like the 4-port one I’ve got, the blue LEDs are brighter than the sun. Bad for bedrooms!
@psidnell Yes indeedy.
@seanddotmedotuk @shezza_t They do. I was introduced to them at a demo by one of the founders with @Kavey and @petedrinks