@kissane See also: how bored you are by the time the eight thousandth person has asked you why you’re a vegetarian.
TechCrunchOnion Google Reportedly Running Out of Ideas for How to Force-Feed Google+ to the World
@davidcaolo It works from your Mac’s accelerometer. Switch to iTunes, then punch the screen real hard.

Morning summary: Listen to Entrance of the Gladiators on @AppleMusic. itun.es/gb/5Q1kx?i=388… pic.twitter.com/xIVxckjRi4
Every other passenger on the bus is reading the Metro. Feels like one of those clues to the Big Bad from the first five minutes of Dr Who.
liveindetail Having James Bond porridge this morning. It’s the same as normal porridge, but you open the microwave door when the countdown reads 0:07