brian_bilston “Sometimes the power of a homophone can come out of nowhere and hit you like a truck,” articulated Laurie.

RiffRaff1971 Like an opening scene from Casualty.
@waiyeehong Is it @MonkeyWrite? Was just listening to an interview with @chiuki where it was mentioned…

Snappity: Catch.…

An area the size of whales. #bristol
@porthjess I’m sure everyone else is grateful that @GeorgeFergusonx and I shun both Fosters and public semi-nudity.
blondecalamity I think of myself as “Upper-Middle Maintenance”.
adambanksdotcom A Raspberry Pi costs £20. An Arduino clone costs £6. My £300 tumble dryer has to be replaced because the logic board has failed.
Wish I could remember what kind of film is halfway through this little fella.

Preparing for eBay.
@Kavey @ahnlak I didn’t ignore the dancing or the broom, but Breakin’ Turbo was the only thing that sprang to mind. (#AWSOMEBROOMDANCE)
@Kavey !? You didn’t just fall asleep and start dreaming during a Safestyle Windows advert in the middle of _Breakin’ Turbo_, did you?