@dangusset I gave up keeping my books that organised after the first few times I had to I unshelve and reshelve them all.
@Ninja_lynneja Paper Passion amazon.co.uk/dp/3869305010/…
KevinMKruse Whoever coined #YallQaeda for the Oregon militia can just take the rest of the week off.

I have always been a tidy worker. #not instagram.com/p/BAFzY3JJC2h/
@dangusset Did you get Explored?
@jamesainsworth Ooh, they repairing the three-pin plug? Hope they put the wires back right.
@claireellent This is a problem with a years-old “to read” pile. “Ooh. This sounds interesting, and I definitely haven’t read it…” D’oh.
@restingchef I’ll see if I can remember to ask a spoon-carving acquaintance. I think I’ll be seeing him next weekend.
@speechdebelle Depends on your competence level. I missed September out one year. Don’t forget there’s 29 days in Feb this year!
@samsneed12 @Bristol52 I’d just be glad it was a plate rather than a flower pot or a miniature laundry hamper. #wewantplates
@Bristol52 You’re not greasing properly first. Should be plenty of leftover goose fat for the job at this time of year.
@njj4 Yeah; it was reading your hundred books post that partly prompted my “to read” guilt ;)

Having a little late brunch. Oh. Wait. That’s just “lunch”, isn’t it? pic.twitter.com/5ocHff7oDr
@saltwateritch @guriben …which one? Was it good? :)
@saltwateritch @guriben Although they’re on my “to read” shelf, a couple are “to re-read”, so I think I’ve read five or six of them…
@OpinionatedGeek That’s one I want to re-read. I write anti-spam extensions for phpBB board I maintain & I did a Laravel contract this year.
@ahnlak Oh, I have “to read” stuff on the Kindle, too…

My “to read” shelf is now two maxed-out “to read” shelves. I think I have a problem. #shelfofguilt pic.twitter.com/7cNJOEjlfZ
A piece of fruit cake. And some hemlock, perhaps. #thearchers
@chubbybannister I didn’t hear any gaslighting. Are you sure you’re not mis-remembering, darling?
@Kavey *Quickly Googles* Hrm. Surprisingly similar to the British “chav” look.
@Kavey I was just thinking that myself. While still in bed.
myfavoritething The Original Star Wars Concept Art Is Amazing: buzzfeed.com/danieldalton/s…