@CastIrony Well, I’m hoping so.
@charlesarthur Go to your Profile page and hit “Edit Profile”?

sidneyabbot Never mind what (or how) he’s done to the car, look at his trousers.
LOOK AT THEM!!!! pic.twitter.com/klloQFnron
leeblackwood I’m looking to borrow or hire a Laptop for a day or two next week. Any advice? (I’m based in Bristol)
@benjohnbarnes Ta!
CulturedRuffian My voicemail message is just instructions on how to send a text message with brief pauses filled with heavy sighing.
@hayles Especially as the alternative involved dealing with a hangover while people were sawing wood and hammering next to me.
@hayles Sober me is having a bathroom fitted and had no access to a toilet for the night. Seeing as there was a works do at the hotel…
@talkie_tim Drunk me seems a pretty stand-up guy. Albeit slightly swaying.
@chubbybannister Heh. No, just plain fish and chips.
@chubbybannister And a fish and chip shop, apparently.

SophyRidgeSky Whoops. Home Office announces a new English language test for migrants…. and spells language wrong pic.twitter.com/No4HZQfffi

@americanapparel You might want to see if links in your emails are working properly — I’m getting this for them.pic.twitter.com/RrkvATCGtHGtH
Aww. Shouting guy running down street chasing after oblivious young woman turned out to be returning bank card she’d left in ATM.
@ahnlak He’s certainly being more kind than usual this morning. Expecting a masseuse to turn up at any moment.

*Puts on coat to leave hotel* *Coat feels heavy* *Discovers further gifts from drunk-me* pic.twitter.com/GyadFg61bU

Looks pretty uninspiring out there today. pic.twitter.com/T45CIBx3m5
@thekarleighshow Hungover-me *was*, but, thank fuck, sober-boring-me always carries painkillers in his bag. My other mes are pretty great.
Hungover-me has no clue how this bottle of Purdey’s arrived in his hotel room, but is very grateful to drunk-me for thinking of it.
@samsneed12 Oh yeah.