Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 18th, 2016

@sstarr Likewise. Though I am also enjoying the even-smaller 40mm STM. But if I had to choose one, it’d be the 50.

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@RellyAB I had my seemingly-annual declaration-of–reading–bankruptcy-collect-them-all-up-and-start-again the other day. Sigh.

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petapixel 8 reasons you should buy a 50mm f/1.8 lens:

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@UrsulaWJ Looked like this at lunchtime. Recent Trip Advisor reviews seem to suggest something of a nosedive :(

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What happened to Tart on Gloucester Road?

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A minute’s silence for my old bathroom.

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What, no human figures to fill with trash? How droidist.

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@rbrwr I don’t claim to know the genetic mechanism by which this whole thing works :D

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@markrglover It illuminates! It tans! It destroys small villages! Try the new Canon 9000EXX…

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I think @rstevens is right. I’d happily pay to edit a tweet. That’s the way to monetise Twitter :)

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@markrglover Hey, don’t look at me, I don’t cause solar flares! :)

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In 1980 an freak solar flare bathed the Earth in gene-altering radiation. Nobody born since knows that the past tense of “text” is “texted”.

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