Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 5th, 2016

Ice Magic. Seems it’s a night for blasts from the…OJ

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@AlasdairStuart (And I’ll get back to trying to remember it once I’ve looked up Kinvig as an antidote to watching a Minipops clip!)

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@AlasdairStuart I can’t figure out whether I actually remember that one or I’m just imagining it.

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🎶 Porting along on the tidal displacement, with a solar flare up there… Who remembers Luna? @AlasdairStuart

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@saltwateritch *Nods sagely, with the thousand-yard stare of a Guy Who Can Drill A Hole, Damn It*

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@Ihnatko Only if we all want our accounts to be mistakenly frozen for funding terrorism, sadly.

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@saltwateritch I’m going to assume it’s the stone in the walls of this 1760s house, myself, and that my technique is perfect :D

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@film_girl And, hopefully, pictures of tiny text made even harder to read by JPEG artefacts.

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@DelroyHibbert Guards! Seize that spermatozoa! He looks shifty!

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@saltwateritch People always recommend SDS drills when I say that, but I don’t still enough to justify trying one, really.

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jephjacques twitter also considering comments system, community features, changing name to “Livejrnl”…

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willhamill Charity swear box for people using the word “resources” in reference to “people”. 👌👌👌…

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Oatmeal Let 2016 be the year of the JOMO.

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@hondanhon I suggest dark blue electrical tape over that spot on your monitor. I can’t help much more, because it crashes on launch for me.

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