@Pinboard Just joking. (Though the article did just take about ten seconds to start loading for me…)
@Pinboard That article that got Fireballed doesn’t happen to be on the same server, does it?
@dangusset Current incarnation is sister bar to Small Bar, hence arrayed with excellent craft beers.
@dangusset Not quite in the line of sight. I’m up near the Adam & Eve.
@dangusset *Waves*
@isaacwilliams @ThreesGame :( Wonder if there’s a way to go back to the version before last.
@C_J_Fox Well of course that hurts. You’re using them wrong. And they don’t count as one of your five a day like that, either.
“It’s not enough to not read the comments section, because the internet has become a comments section. The entire internet.” —@johnroderickk
@film_girl I’ll be madder if Flickr disappears. But at least I’ve heard of Flickr and Tumblr. Never heard of Screen.
Harkaway Is there some sort of absurd shortage of fresh yeast in London?
@isaacwilliams @ThreesGame Definitely not just you. Are you on older hardware, too? I’m on a 5S.
@rivalee *Pushes the opposite of the “like” button*
LiannaDavies I’m teaching again in Bristol, If you would like a lesson hit me up . I also have some special new years deals..gumtree.com/p/guitar-class…ct
@liveindetail THAT’S ROSEMARY, DEAR.