@bitchwhocodes …though I understand that may not help very much!
@bitchwhocodes When people have done that to me, I’ve at least been grateful afterwards, even if I didn’t take it gracefully at the time…
@ahnlak Well, at least he gave me a bell so I could go meet him with the car.
@Bristolvor Hopefully. It looked a bit tired when I moved in. In 1999.
@Bristolvor Someone with actual skill will be doing my bathroom for me next week.
Just shifted 100kg of tiles, twice, because delivery lorry was too big for my road. Might just watch an X Files and have a cuppa for a bit.
@invalidname I wasn’t suggesting anything as noble as trying to enlighten them :)
@danbarker But… But… TECHNOLOGY!
@invalidname Shame there’s no easy “clone 100 times and forward to the managing director” option…

In other news, I have a new bathroom. Though so far it’s in the wrong rooms and mostly upside down. pic.twitter.com/xkJuvJIOlj
@UrsulaWJ I just did that, only to find out their system won’t let me pay what I want to pay them for another three months. :(
Sorry, quiet upstairs neighbours, but I’m sure you can forgive me turning up Lauren Laverne’s show really loud just for Space Oddity.
@seb_ly Working in Bristol, too. Odd. Maybe it will never rain in Brighton again.
.@MarsCuriosity Just FYI: the rest of us still want to know, too.
RaeBeta It never occurred to me that he was someone who could die. He was like a mountain, or an idea.