@wordsfromluke I got one of those recently. Finding it quite hard to nail the focus at 1.4.
@hayles Erm. I *may* have been so busy photographing the nice neon sign that I didn’t actually check.
@ahnlak More of a niche market, that.
📷 Burgers and Beers tmblr.co/ZD7hNx22puUja

Lead us home, Gromit. Good dog. #bristol pic.twitter.com/9814OzTeiD
@salisbury_matt Someone had to tell me that “gilver” was actually a thing last week, too.

Mr. Prout. pic.twitter.com/GCs4sqdjAA

Broad Street. #bristol pic.twitter.com/JY9YEWrxDI
@hayles *Flounces off, swishing tail*
@hayles I’d tell you all about it but it’s hard to tweet from a whirlpool bath.
qikipedia The inventor of the automatic bread slicer took fifteen years to sell the patent. The main reason given was ‘Americans aren’t that lazy’.
@RellyAB :( No suspicious rogue app in list under Settings->Battery? #clutchingatstraws #notagenius

Indulging in one of my more regular hobbies. #cafesigns instagram.com/p/BCiclmJJCy6/

I declare the tourist season open :) #igersbristol instagram.com/p/BCiPMkOJC3i/
@RellyAB Have you rebooted? That’s been a magic fix for me in the past.
Overheard: “You’re workshopping the *Finance* processes? Do they even *make* nine-dimensional whiteboards?”
@lukeredpath …so I don’t have an opinion on the camera’s own software, but it’s reliable with a decent picture. Foscam FI9821P.
@lukeredpath I have been using a Foscam camera recently, with Surveillance Station on my Synology box…

Frittering away my lunchtime. pic.twitter.com/On7sc3E6ra
Jesus. Serious accident at awkward 4-way junction at top of Bridge Valley Road. If heading that way from Ladies Mile expect delays #bristol

Waking up. pic.twitter.com/jBTcExgpPs