@ahnlak Block graphics and tokenised BASIC!
This was the first computer I ever owned. This tweet would take up more than 10% of its memory. twitter.com/FozzTexx/statu…
@FozzTexx Aww! My first computer.
@nice_reminder Do not be fooled by the “number of holes versus lace size” charts on lace packets. THEY LIE.
@nice_reminder The only way I have ever got that right is by measuring the old ones (or a piece of string I’ve temporarily laced.)
@IanMartin If I’d known before I’d started that some denominations finish on Maundy Thursday I’d have thrown my lot in with *them*.
@IanMartin I’ve only done it a couple of times. This ones seems a lot bloody longer than the last one…
Catching up with The Archers. Surprised they don’t mention all the time Rob must surely spend posting anonymously on the Internet.

Music corner. pic.twitter.com/sF5SsWRvHw

Kavey My Hot Multicultural Buns! That’s NOT a nazi swastika you see, read my post to learn more… bit.ly/1LRnW3x pic.twitter.com/T6Dv9u5X8i
@Kavey 😀 Also, that reminds me, I have a hot cross bun to eat!
I would comment on the Cadbury controversy, but I gave up rolling my eyes for Lent.
“Fandation”? Have the police interviewed Ray Winstone? twitter.com/SiDawson/statu…

howells Imagine if you had just woke up after having been in a coma for 25 years, and this was the first headline you saw pic.twitter.com/AfQdTMPDoe

bristol247 Portwall Lane’s finest @PickleBristol is set to open as early as next week in Underfall Yard bristol247.com/channel/food-d… pic.twitter.com/3BCc5n8E0v
bitfield This is your regular reminder of Falsehoods Programmers Believe About Names (‘IS NOT NULL’ is now one of them) kalzumeus.com/2010/06/17/fal…
@samsneed12 @jakepjohnson I understand that if the box set is missing the last four DVDs it’s worth £15.99.
@thekarleighshow Now inventing the revolutionary “Jar Jar Kinks”.
@thekarleighshow So presumably there’s a market for a combination dildo/jar opener?
@Harkaway We do. They’re *all* bloody terrible but you only find out when you go through the enormous hassle of changing.
@LeadHyperion Goodo. There’s not much you can’t buy there if you forget it.
@LeadHyperion A jumper for the evenings? The temperature will be quite variable at the mo.

KateRobbins Spar. Kings of irony. pic.twitter.com/2dsIcHG0KX

malthe Genius. @mortenjust made a text editor that only allow the 1,000 most used words in English. mortenjust-experiments.tumblr.com/post/138397510… pic.twitter.com/m4XDOnloHc