Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 27th, 2016

When someone “likes” a Tweet of yours. From 2011.

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@talkie_tim Just found I’d done the same with the central heating.

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@cattyish There are already plenty. But I passed a couple and they looked too busy for me to take up a table.

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@guriben I would normally expect this thing to accompany only a knickerbocker glory.

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On the plus side, chapter one of @Peculiar’s new Bryant and May awaits.

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“Tea? No problem. Let me just fetch a top-heavy glass with a handle to tie a teabag to, an off-centre saucer and an improbably long spoon.”

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In Costa for my quarterly reminder of how annoying I find the way they serve everything.

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@xabl You’ll never catch me too close to the edge. I get vertigo on high kerbs.

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God I love that continuity announcer.

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God, he’s actually putting her on the naughty step.

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andy_matuschak Papert wrote this 45 years ago. The internet didn’t exist—0 laptops had been sold. Could’ve been written last

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@HarringtonBear I have a matching teapot and milk jug, too ;)

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@samsneed12 That’s optional. It felt like a pepper morning. Maybe because it had an hour less in it.

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@samsneed12 I like them so the white has all turned white, but not much further on than that.

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*Remembers to change clock in camera for BST*

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