Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 21st, 2016

@charlesarthur It’s an odd one. Was happening to me… Until I changed my router!

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@mrbrettkelly Sadly, no Macs. And the MBP is the only product I’d have gone and bought tomorrow, if they’d announced a new one :(

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patbits “PEOPLE HAVE OLD COMPUTERS!” *audience of affluent white males laughs*

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@anna_debenham I’m using a two-year-overdue task in Omnifocus. *looks embarrassed*

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Okay, so it sounds like the iPhone SE has some pretty serious hardware. Excellent. Might be a good upgrade for me.

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@therutharnold Aloha! I support the Android version; @benjohnbarnes supports the iOS version.

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@EffBeeee There was definitely a “goodness, that’s more arse-touching that I generally get during an entire relationship” vibe, though.

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@EffBeeee I recall feeling similar after my first Thai massage. Of course, our boob-related experiences probably aren’t directly comparable!

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The upside-down stop request button. I do *not* want to find out if it works.

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