Bit of an oldie this evening. pic.twitter.com/RAAhOUMZAa

Metrobus. pic.twitter.com/Lh1KeFIcEx
@chadfowler My car now connects to my iPhone via chain of FireWire to USB power and 30-pin to Lightning adapters!

Keeper. pic.twitter.com/fJPctGwC0n

This terrace does not really end so much as look slightly bemused and ask, “Huh? Where did the rest of me go?” pic.twitter.com/M1mHbh3qev

What’s the collective noun for Pashleys? #igersbristol instagram.com/p/BDI_96OJC1m/
@BristolEating In crowded shops, everyone moves at speed of the slowest person. M&S always has at least one 106-year-old blocking an aisle.
@davidcaolo Only niggle I can find after a couple of years’ regular use is it makes a funny noise while charging; easily mitigated.
@davidcaolo I think I bought my Ultimate Ears Mini Boom based on their recommendation. It’s excellent.

This was the Jekyll/Who comparison I was trying to make earlier… pic.twitter.com/Azi3EHLqd9
Hrm. Sincere people at my door wanting to invite me to an “event”. Begone.
@dangusset Yeah. I forgot I might have to check from different countries.
@dangusset FFS.

No Hollandaise, but I reckon I’ll survive. pic.twitter.com/XW0sT8PfPK
Stephen Moffat’s Jekyll (2007). Does this line sound familiar, #doctorwho fans? (Warning: contains blood and lions) youtu.be/a7R2NhgEeg0?t=…
While working at a tedious job in the summer of 1963, Jerry Gretzinger began drawing a map of an imaginary city..futilitycloset.com/2016/03/19/ukr…dL