@RedQueenCoder I would chill the fuck out for a week—preferably away from home—and then see what kind of mood I was in.
Gosh. I have been on Twitter for more than nine years now. twitter.com/danbarker/stat…

The strings, they are a’changin’. pic.twitter.com/cDCjzTgXTO
@lkwg82 @chadfowler My car has no Bluetooth and no audio aux in. It did, however, come with a state-of-the-art (in 2003!) iPod connector :)
@amyengineer Thanks!

Bit grey today. pic.twitter.com/Ej4759ffat

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young. pic.twitter.com/PSB62xbDjs

Skate or die, #bristol! Which worries me, as I can’t skate. #igersbristol instagram.com/p/BDLB0y3JC2f/
@chubbybannister I will be time shifting the Archers today. I will also time-shift your commentary ;)
@UrsulaWJ It’s *you* that’s been knitting this weather!? Please switch to brighter wool!