Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 2nd, 2016

Have a sudden strange desire for vodka. Probably just as well I don’t have any.

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@nice_reminder That one looks more like a triffid who’s about to cast a spell on you.

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@film_girl The gap between card renewals is just long enough for you to forget how to change it everywhere, too.

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Still gradually emptying the storage unit. Just found the snowboarding gear.

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@benthompson Are they the same people who sold all their Apple stock in 2005?

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@darwin The second replacement battery it’s on has bulged so badly it’s cracked the case. I think graceful retire from play is in order.

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Saying goodbye to my elderly first Kindle. You can still just about make out @GreatDismal’s autograph.

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@stevemarvell Tuesday is last day of current contract (will be ver’, ver’ drunk that evening.) Could do Monday eve or any time Wed on…

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