Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 8th, 2016

@tommcfarlin That’s right up there with Cadbury’s “re-sealable” bags of Giant Chocolate Buttons. NO THEY ARE NOT.

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cox_tom The concept of “payment” is a bit different when, like me, you work for a low budget rural community radio station.

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@Bristolvor @CharlieEsq_ @guriben That was a clue in yesterday’s Times cryptic, too.

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@caldersidecook No, I just don’t pack them that tight. It’s not perfect, but better than never getting to shirts from the bottom of a pile.

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@PeckhamRyeEats Yes. I did think that I was very lucky to be indoors. Bit too old to be fashion trendsetting.

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In other clothes news, while Marie Kondo’s book was mostly madness, the folded-vertical method does work for me.

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@Bristolvor See the distressing mark on the other leg? They had one on that leg in the same place. That’s exactly where they ripped.

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My first pair of “distressed” jeans. I didn’t realise it actually made them more likely to rip :(

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